Saturday, October 8, 2016

Order of Adjectives

The adjectives which mentions about material and purpose are always placed nearest to the noun.
E.g. A nice small old red Spanish leather running shoe.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Using see, look and watch

1. See
We use this word to refer to our eyes' natural ability of sight.
- We see with our eyes.
- I don't see very well. That's why I wear glasses
And we also use "see" when we see something by chance
- I saw Le Na, the scorpion teacher, selling tra da yesterday
In that situation, I didn't intentionally look at her. It happened completely by accident.
Remember it like this: when an image incidentally enter your eyes => use "See"

2. Look
If you want to say something like "Đừng nhìn vào tao"
You can't say "Don't see me".
This word means that we intentionally look at something, and it usually goes with the preposition "at"
"Đừng nhìn vào tao" in English is "Don't look at me"
We leave off "at" only when "look" doesn't have an object
- Look!
- Look over there!
- You have to look carefully.
- Hey, come look at these awesome selfies I took!

3. Watch
Note that although in Vietnamese we say "xem ảnh". in English we always say "look at photos", not "watch photos"
"Watch" means we watch something happen, in attentive way. We use this word with things that are moving or changing.
- I sat and watched my girlfriend cook dinner for me.
- They like to watch birds in the park
- Watching soccer is boring
We also use "watch" when talking about TV. But when talking about movies, we can use "watch" or "see" depending on the situation.
In this case of watching a movie at home, we use "watch".
- I watched Titanic with my mom last night
But in case of seeing a movie at the theater, we use "see"
- I went to see Inside Out last week
- I saw Ho Ngoc Ha at the Opera House last night
- I saw Man City play at My Dinh stadium
Or when talking about the fact of having seen a movie or not, at an unspecified time, we also use "see"
- Have you seen Frozen?
=> Yeah, I've seen it lost of times
However, if we talk about a specific time, we use "watch" again.
- In fact, I watched Frozen just yesterday.

####Try your best! Gradually you''ll feel that using these words is as easy as drinking water####

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Using say, tell, talk, speak

1. SAY
When using "say", there's only one preposition that goes with it: "to".
He said with me that he would be late.
The sentence above should be replaced by => He said to me that he would be late.

And if you want to speak like a native, remember that when using "say". We usually don't mention the listener. So even better is, He said that he would be late. without saying "to me"

He told with me that he would be late
He told me that he would be late

With this word, we mention the listener and don't add any preposition.
So two sentence above should be replaced by => He told me that he would be late.

He talked with me that he would be late.
We use "talk" to describe two people talking about a general subject, but never to report what specifically was said.
A few examples:
We talked about football
He doesn't talk much
My students talk too much
Talk can use with both the prepositions "to" and "with" in most situations.

We can use "speak" in the same way as "talk", but in formal situations.
For example: Tan Dung spoke with Vlardimir Putin about Fast & Furious 7
And when talking about language, we always use "speak" and no other word.
For example: He was speaking Vietnamese.

####Try your best! Gradually you''ll feel that using these words is as easy as drinking water####

Monday, August 15, 2016

Using In - On - At

Nằm lòng quy tắc giới từ trong 5 phút với một hình tam giác

Phần đỉnh của phễu là giành cho giới từ in - chỉ những thứ lớn nhất, chung chung nhất.
- Với thời gian, "in" dùng trước những từ chỉ thời gian khái quát nhất như "century" (thế kỷ) cho đến "week" (tuần). Ví dụ: in the 20th century, in the 1980’s, in March, in the third week of April, in the future.
Ngoại lệ: in + buổi: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon
- Về địa điểm, "in" dùng cho những địa điểm lớn như country (quốc gia), cho đến village, neighborhoods (làng, vùng). Ví dụ: in the United States, in Miami, in my neighborhood.
"In" dùng thời gian từ chung nhất cho đến week (tuần), địa điểm từ chung nhất cho đến thị trấn , làng xóm ngoại trừ in the morning, afternoon, evening.

Phần giữa của phễu giành cho "on", tương ứng với địa điểm cụ thể hơn, thời gian chi tiết hơn so với ""in".
- Về thời gian, "on" dùng cho ngày cụ thể, hoặc một dịp nào đó. Ví dụ: on my birthday, on Saturday, on the weekend (United States), on June 8th, .
Ngoại lệ: on my lunch break.
- Về địa điểm, "on" dùng cho một vùng tương đối dài, rộng như đường phố, bãi biển... Ví dụ: on Broadway Street, on the beach, on my street .
Như vậy, "on" dùng cho mốc thời gian nhỏ hơn week cho đến ngày, dịp; địa điểm là các vùng.
Phần chóp phễu, tương ứng với thời gian địa điểm cụ thể nhất, giành cho giới từ "at".
- Về thời gian, "at" dùng cho mốc thời gian cụ thể, thời điểm, khoảnh khắc. Ví dụ: at 9:00 PM, at lunch, at dinner, at the start of the party, at sunrise, at the start of the movie, at the moment. Ngoại lệ: at night.
- Về địa điểm, "at" dùng cho địa chỉ, địa điểm cụ thể. Ví dụ: at 345 broadway street, at the store, at my house.